Players Fail Second Pokemon Sun and Moon Global Mission

collected by :Andro Alex

follow the latest progress in pokemon most famous technicals /Kevin Reyes by 2017-01-12 at 5:22

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Players Fail Second Pokemon Sun and Moon Global Mission

Players Fail Second Pokemon Sun and Moon Global Mission
- The second global mission for Pokemon Sun & Moon ended a few days ago on January 9 and, just like the first mission, it looks like players did not manage to achieve the goal.That being said, they did come much closer than the first global mission.
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Pokemon Sun and Moon Players Fail Second Global Mission

Pokemon Sun and Moon Players Fail Second Global Mission
- Pokemon Sun and Moon players fail the game's second global mission, as they are unable to catch or defeat 1 million Pokemon using the Island Scan feature.After failing the first global mission, in which they were tasked with catching 100 million Pokemon in two weeks, many were optimistic that Pokemon Sun and Moon players would succeed with the latest challenge.
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The Second Global Mission For Pokemon Sun and Moon Also Failed

The Second Global Mission For Pokemon Sun and Moon Also Failed
- Much like the first global mission, Pokemon Sun and Moon's second Global Mission has ended miserably.The second Global Mission for Pokemon Sun and Moon kicked off in December and relied on players capturing or defeated 1 million Pokemon.
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Second Global Mission for Pokemon Sun and Moon has failed

Second Global Mission for Pokemon Sun and Moon has failed
- Like its first Global Mission, the second one for Pokemon Sun and Moon has ended in failure.According to Nintendo Life, the second Global Mission for Pokemon Sun and Moon kicked off in December, and tasked players with capturing or defeating 1 million monsters.
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