"Daily Express" said : Pokemon Go news - SHOCK Water Festival stats prove Niantic app is here to stay

collected by :Andro Alex

as mentioned in Origina: Pokemon Go developer Niantic is about to make a shock revelation about the recent Water Festival in-game event. Update: Pokemon Go developer Niantic has revealed the incredible Water Festival stats. The Water Festival increased the spawn rates for water-based Pokemon, and also introduced Shiny Magikarp and Gyarados variants. The choices are 388 million, 463 million, 507 million and 589 million. Collectively, you caught over 589 million Magikarp during the #PokemonGO Water Festival."

according to

Pokemon GO Water Event update, plus how to get Red Gyarados

Pokemon GO Water Event update, plus how to get Red Gyarados
The one Pokemon that has the masses attention during the Pokemon GO Water Festival event going on now is Red Gyarados – also known as Ruby Gyarados or Shiny Gyarados. Not Just WaterBecause the Pokemon GO universe is currently taking part in a Water Festival event, Water Type Pokemon will appear anywhere. Pokemon GO Water Event update, plus how to get Red GyaradosShiny Pokemon have invaded Pokemon GO and the Pokeuniverse will never be the same – at least as far as shiny Magikarp is concerned. Once a Shiny Magikarp is seen, it's extremely easy to catch – we've not heard of a single Shiny Magikarp that's gotten away yet. Future HuntingAt this time it DOES appear that more Shiny Pokemon will be appearing in the game Pokemon GO.

Pokemon Go launches Water festival and SHINY characters – but the clock's ticking to catch 'em all
Players have already started to notice mysterious shiny characters too, although their existence has not been confirmed by Nintendo. Players will see heaps more water Pokemon as they roam around town, smartphones held aloft. It's also launched a new range of shiny characters certain to delight gaming fans. 2 Magikarp and Gyarados are appearing in Pokemon Go, causing fans to go nutsThe Water Festival will run until March 29. There's reports of shiny Magikarps evolving into shiny red Gyarados - a very rare find.

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