New Pokemon game Go Gen three zone exclusives upgrade next Extreme Weather impact news

collected by :Syrena Smith

UPDATE ONE: While fans get to grips with the new Pokemon game Go Gen three updates, further has been uncovered regarding how the game's Extreme Weather system works. As approved with Niantic earlier this month, the new Pokemon game Weather system has a failsafe the time it comes to extreme bouts. And according to the Pokemon game Go Hub, Niantic Utilize a number of different weather services to help announce these problems. "Instead of relying on only 1 weather provider, Niantic is relying on multiple weather providers and weather alarm services," the PoGo Hub team explains. "If any of those services triggers a weather alert, your in-game weather going to display a warning.

Pokemon Go Gen three UPDATE, large parties news, new Weather impact EXPLAINED

Pokemon Go Weather impact EXPLAINED Sun, December 3, 2017 Pokemon game Go fans could expect new weather impact as fraction of a large new update. We've too promoted the minimum Pokemon game Storage size with 50, extremely all Trainers going to recently be enable to of tote fifty extra Pokemon." Other large updates have too been made to the game today, involving the new Pokemon game Weather impact bonus system. The current known weather impact include: Sunny, Rainy, Snowy, Foggy, Cloudy, Partly Cloudy and Windy. Pokemon Go Gen three Pokemon game approved Sat, December 2, 2017 Pokemon game Go Gen three Pokemon game involve Salamence, Swablu and Snorunt.

Pokemon Go Gen 3 UPDATE, big parties news, new Weather effects EXPLAINED

Huge Pokemon game Go upgrade Out Now, Adds Gen three Pokemon, Dynamic Weather, And fight Parties

As it stated in A ton further Generation three Pokemon game are this time obtainable in Pokemon game Go. The new update, version 1.53.2 for Apple iOS and 0.83.1 for Android, is obtainable to install this time and generality notably adds fifty Gen three monsters to Pokemon game Go. In addition to the new Pokemon, Niantic has added a dynamic weather system to Pokemon game Go, extremely the weather in the real-world going to this time be reflected in-game. Along with the new Hoenn Pokemon, players could continue encounter Johto's Legendary bird, Ho-Oh. Pokemon Go players could too get new cosmetic items inspired with Pokemon game Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the series' generality recent installments for 3DS.
