Second Pokemon game Go society Day Event Takes Place This Weekend

collected by :Syrena Smith

Pokemon Go's 2nd society Day is right around the corner. Unlike past real-world events for Pokemon game Go, society Day is not localized at a specific venue; rather, the event takes place during a determine window of time, that going to differ depending upon your region. For the duration of the society Day, players going to encounter promoted swarms of Dratini. This applies to any Dragonair you own, even ones that were obtained prior to this month's society Day. In addition to this month's society Day, players continue have an opportunity to capture Pokemon game Go's latest Legendary Pokemon, Rayquaza.

Pokemon Go cheats, advices & tricks: How to obtain society Day's special Dragonite Draco Meteor move

YouTube/The formal Pokemon game YouTube Channel Pokemon game Go's 2nd society Day going to give players a brief chance to capture a rare Pokemon game with an exclusive move. Pokemon Go's February society Day is just around the corner and once again, players going to have a rare opportunity to stock up on a certain creature. According to Game Rant, society Day too offers triple stardust with any Pokemon game and three-hour lures. Either way, what trainers ought truly not miss is getting a Dragonite with the special move bonus Draco Meteor. Pokemon GO's February society Day event lasts for only 3 hours, with times varying with region.

Pokemon Go cheats, tips & tricks: How to obtain Community Day's special Dragonite Draco Meteor move

Pokemon Go news: Niantic upgrade society Day rewards, no February launch for feature?

as mentioned in The large Pokemon game Go society Day event is growing closerPokemon Go players have learnt further about an upcoming event which can evidence extremely common with some Trainers. News of updated society Day rewards have got fans talking about the large day. Trainers going to have the chance of getting a Dragonite with the exclusive Draco Meteor move. However, fans going to Must evolve the featured Pokemon game during society Day hours to gather this bonus. There's been a lot of talk over just how perfect Draco Meteor is and it appears which moves like Outrage are considered better.
