New Leak Says 'Pokémon GO' Is Getting A Gen 4 'Evolution Event' Next Week

collected by :Syrena Smith

That would be a new "Evolution Event," which is supposed to arrive next week and be the official kick-off of Gen 4 in Pokémon GO, introducing a few new Pokémon like the babies and ghosts events of Gen 2 and 3. I am less skeptical of the idea of finally introducing evolution stones into Pokémon GO, because it seems like it's far past time at this point. After all, if GO can have evolution items, why can't we finally also have evolution stones as well? And yes, there are two new Eevee evolutions arriving with Gen 4 as well, Leafeon and Glaceon. I have already written about which candies you should be saving for Gen 4 evolutions of Gen 1, 2 and 3 Pokémon, so you may want to reference that again here ahead of this alleged event.

'Pokémon GO' Theory Connects Spinda Variants to Gen 4 Release Date

'Pokémon GO' Theory Connects Spinda Variants to Gen 4 Release Date It's a bit of a stretch, but we're ready to believe. Earlier this week, Pokémon GO added Spinda, a Gen 3 "spot Panda" as part of its August Field Research challenges. No two are alike (kind of like snowflakes), with over 4 billion different variants out there. Pokémon GO can't actually generate all those different Spinda versions, so instead we're getting just eight. Niantic has already teased new Gen 4 Pokémon, but we still don't have a set release date or even official confirmation.

'Pokémon GO' Theory Connects Spinda Variants to Gen 4 Release Date

Here's The Candy You Should Be Stockpiling For New 'Pokemon GO' Gen 4 Evolutions

referring to Gen 4 is more like Gen 2 than Gen 1 or 3. It has only 107 new Pokémon in it, but unlike Gen 2, a good portion of them are new evolutions of older gen Pokémon, and there are also a few new pre-evolution babies as well. A full 22 of the 107 new Gen 4 Pokémon are evolutions of Gen 1-3, so you can get a head start over everyone almost immediately if you have the candy to evolve on hand. candiesUnclear how to evolve in GO#471 GlaceonIce type, evolves from Eevee, ? So, get to saving, and finding high IVs to evolve when Gen 4 does roll around, whether that's in August or a bit later.
