Mysterious New Creature Appears in 'Pokémon GO' and We Know Very Little About It

collected by :Syrena Smith

Shortly after Niantic's Pokémon Go Community Day on Saturday, a mysterious creature began appearing within the game throughout certain regions og the world. Shown with a nut head and a Ditto-like body, the unknown creature emerges without a name or CP, but becomes Ditto once captured, a Pokémon famous for morphing into others. At this moment, Niantic has yet to make a statement on #891, but that hasn't stopped gamers from crafting their own theories. Some think it's simply a glitch, while many more believe it's very intentional, especially when the Pokémon franchise hasn't had a similar glitch instance like this in its past. With that in mind, Eurogamer reports:"The leading theory [on Reddit] is tied to an unreleased Kecleon, a Gen 3 chameleon Pokémon which blends into its environment.

'Pokémon GO' Beldum Community Day Leaks Early

If you're like me, you're not all that interested in the Pokémon GO Community Days that revolve around starters. Somebody found an image of the creature in the usual community day frame in the Niantic website backend, lending credence to something we could likely have guessed anyways. Metagross is perfectly useful in the combat meta even with less than ideal typing, which is always nice for a community day. Beldum would definitely stack with the convention we've established for community day so far, excepting outliers lik Eevee: we're getting the starters from each generation interspersed with super-rare Pokémon with 3 evolution tiers. Beldum fits that mold to a T, and also represents the first Gen 3 creature we've seen for community day.

'Pokémon GO' Beldum Community Day Leaks Early

according to
