Pokemon Go December Community Day 2018 has a LIST of starring Pokemon

as declared in Trainers, December's Community Day event is going live on December 18 featuring all previous 11 Special Pokemon. The last Community Day event in Pokemon Go for 2018 is going live on December 18 for 3-hours featuring all previous CD Pokemon, their shiny forms. In addition, Pokemon Go announced a new special limited time shiny event, and starting from November 30 at 1:00 PM PST until December 2 at 11:00 PM PST every Pokemon featured during the previous CD events can be found in the wild. For last, players will earn DBL XP, DBL catch Stardust and DBL Incubator effectiveness during the last Community Day in December. Here is the official announcement:

Pokemon Go December 2018 Community Day UPDATE: Niantic has great news for fans

Pokemon Go developer Niantic has posted a fresh update about the December Community Day event. Niantic typically announces the Community Day date and featured Pokemon just a few days after the previous event ends. But nearly a week removed from the November Community Day event starring Cyndaquil, fans are none the wiser about the date or featured Pokemon. Asked for more details about the Community Day event, Niantic Support tweeted:"We'll be making an announcement with all of this information soon, keep an eye on the @PokemonGOApp channel for details." You can take a look at the future Community Day contenders in the gallery below...

Pokemon Go December 2018 Community Day UPDATE: Niantic has great news for fans

Pokemon Go December Community Day 2018 has a LIST of starring Pokemon

as declared in And if you have missed any past Community Day events, you'll want to be prepared for next month's celebrations. That's because the Pokemon Go December Community Day 2018 will include a full list of past Pokemon. Pokemon that have featured throughout the past year will be available to catch again over a special two-day Community Day. Trainers will also be able to unlock all the special Community Day exclusive moves during the celebrations too. December's Community Day begins on November 30, 2018, at 1 pm PST and ends on December 2, 2018, at 11 p.m. PST.

collected by :Syrena Smith
