Pokemon Go February Community Day DATE: When is the next Community Day?

as declared in Pokemon Go Community Day news for FebruaryThe countdown has begun for the reveal of the next major event in Pokemon Go - the February Community Day. So when will the next Pokemon Go Community Day be scheduled and what new shiny Pokemon could be part of the celebrations? Last year's Pokemon Go Community Day was held on February 24 and offered Trainers the chance at catching a shiny Dratini. By looking at past events, it seems likely that Niantic will host their next Community Day on the weekend of February 9th. Niantic usually switch between offering starter Pokemon and those found in 10KM Eggs as their choices for Community Days.

Pokemon Go February Community Day DATE: When is the next Community Day?

The countdown to February's Pokemon Go Community Day is commencing. So expect an announcement about this month's Community Day to be made in the next few days. Pokemon Go developer Niantic normally reveals all of the info about the next Community Day hard on the back of the previous event. 2018's Pokemon Go Community Day took place on February 24 where Trainers had the opportunity at catching a shiny Dratini. READ MORE: Niantic's big January Community Day update and secret 2019 eventPokemon Go: Community Days are a brief window to learn previously unavailable moves and earn bonusesPokemon Go: The countdown is commencing for February's Community Day

Pokemon Go February Community Day DATE: When is the next Community Day?

As it stated in

collected by :Syrena Smith
