Pokemon Go's Community Day For February Announced

referring to February is just around the corner, which means it's almost time for another Pokemon Go Community Day. You'll also receive five rewards per day from Trainer Battles during the Community Day weekend. On top of that, you'll receive triple the normal amount of Stardust for capturing Pokemon during February's Community Day. As usual, February's Community Day will only run for three hours, and it'll take place at different times depending on where you live. Pokemon Go February 2019 Community Day HoursThe Americas and Greenland11 AM - 2 PM PT2 PM - 5 PM ETEurope, Middle East, and Africa10 AM - 1 PM UTCAsia-Pacific

Pokemon Go's Community Day For February Announced

February is just around the corner, which means it's almost time for another Pokemon Go Community Day. You'll also receive five rewards per day from Trainer Battles during the Community Day weekend. On top of that, you'll receive triple the normal amount of Stardust for capturing Pokemon during February's Community Day. As usual, February's Community Day will only run for three hours, and it'll take place at different times depending on where you live. Pokemon Go February 2019 Community Day HoursThe Americas and Greenland11 AM - 2 PM PT2 PM - 5 PM ETEurope, Middle East, and Africa10 AM - 1 PM UTCAsia-Pacific

Pokemon Go's Community Day For February Announced

Pokemon Go February Community Day NEWS: When is the next Pokemon GO Community Day?

as informed in Pokemon Go February Community Day NEWS: When is the next Pokemon GO Community Day? On January 12th, we saw the first Community Day of 2019 - and it offered Gen 2 starter Pokemon, Totodile, with the special move Hydro Cannon. Will our next Pokemon Community Day offering be as useful? Although Pokemon GO Gen 4 starter Pokemon were launched towards the tail end of last year, we wouldn't expect to see any Sinnoh region starter Pokemon - such as Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup - as the headline pokemon. In the past, the pattern has usually seen Community Day Pokemon consisting of either a starter pokemon or a Pokemon who hatches from 10km Eggs.

Pokemon Go February Community Day DATE: When is the next Community Day?

The countdown to February's Pokemon Go Community Day is commencing. So expect an announcement about this month's Community Day to be made in the next few days. Pokemon Go developer Niantic normally reveals all of the info about the next Community Day hard on the back of the previous event. 2018's Pokemon Go Community Day took place on February 24 where Trainers had the opportunity at catching a shiny Dratini. READ MORE: Niantic's big January Community Day update and secret 2019 eventPokemon Go: The countdown is commencing for February's Community DayPokemon Go: Community Days are a brief window to learn previously unavailable moves and earn bonuses

Pokemon Go February Community Day DATE: When is the next Community Day?

collected by :Syrena Smith

