Pokemon Go: British player claims he shed pounds
(CNN) Catching 'em all is the Pokemon Go player's goal, but in doing so one British man claims to have lost something -- more than 12 kilograms (28 pounds) in weight.In his quest to catch the 142 Pokemon creatures available in the UK, 32-year-old business owner Sam Clark says he walked 141 miles (227 kilometers) in 20 days, the equivalent of five marathons.
Pokemon Go: Trainer who became first in UK to catch 'em all lost two stone while doing so
The man who became the first in the UK to catch all of the country's Pokemon also lost something.The walking involved in catching the animals – the equivalent of five marathons – led father-of-four Sam Clark to lose two stone in the couple of weeks that he played the game.
Pokemon Go: Advanced tips from people who play too damn much
So you want to be a Pokemon Master.You already know the basics of Pokemon Go, and now you want to catch 'em all.
Pokemon Go: Player claims to have caught all UK characters
Media caption Sam Clark: "I have all 142 and an egg hatched Taurus"Could this mark the beginning of the end for Pokemon Go?A man has claimed to have become the first to catch all the characters available in the UK.
Pokemon Go: Advanced gym tips and tricks for pro players
If you've spent a significant amount of time playing Pokemon Go over the past few weeks, there's a good chance that you've managed to collect a few formidable Pokemon along the way.But now that you've got some powerful virtual friends, what are you supposed to do with them?
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