Neighbors fed up with Pokemon GO players in park ask city to act - Story
Neighbors fed up with Pokemon GO players in park ask city to act Local News Neighbors fed up with Pokemon GO players in park ask city to act People playing Pokémon GO in Wahby Park in St. Clair Shores are being asked to stop by homeowners living near what has become one of the hottest spots for players.- People playing Pokémon GO in Wahby Park in St. Clair Shores are being asked to stop by homeowners living near what has become one of the hottest spots for players.
Winona vet confronts Pokemon players in park
This YouTube video that shows a confrontation between a veteran and Pokemon players , which has been seen more than a half-million times worldwide.(Photo: YouTube)WINONA, Minn. - The Winona City Council is preparing to pass an ordinance that would ban people from playing "Pokemon Go" at the city's Veterans Memorial Park.
Pokemon Go players can no longer use Pokevision to track wild Pokemon

Pokemon Go, Pokemon Going, Pokemon GonePokémon Go developer Niantic has quietly put an end to fan-made Pokémon tracking tools.One of the more popular apps, Pokévision, displayed wild Pokémon locations on a map in real time, but, as of today, the website displays a message stating its "services are currently unavailable."
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