Pokémon Sun and Moon anime breaks one of the games’ biggest reveals early

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follow the latest progress in pokemon most famous technicals /Allegra Frank by 2016-12-23 at 22:27

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Pokémon Sun and Moon anime breaks one of the games' biggest reveals early

Pokémon Sun and Moon anime breaks one of the games' biggest reveals early
( Pokémon Sun and Moon anime breaks one of the games' biggest reveals early ) - It's possible to spoil the plot of Pokémon Sun and Moon, as the pair are more story-focused than the cut-and-dry role-playing games that predate them.Although the anime adaptation doesn't closely follow that story, its latest episode appears to have already given away the Nintendo 3DS games' big reveal.(In case you haven't played Sun and Moon and are concerned about spoilers — yes, really, for a Pokémon game!

Best Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon

Best Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon
( Best Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon ) - Here's a listing of Alola's cream of the crop to help you build up the best team in Pokémon Sun and Moon.The Alola region in Pokémon Sun and Moon is home to some pretty exotic fauna.Aside from seeing strange evolutionary quirks on familiar Pokémon, you can also expect to see a whole bunch of new critters.

Pokémon Sun and Moon: Where to Find All the Z-Crystals, Including Snorlium Z, Eevium Z, and Aloraichium Z

Pokémon Sun and Moon: Where to Find All the Z-Crystals, Including Snorlium Z, Eevium Z, and Aloraichium Z
( Pokémon Sun and Moon: Where to Find All the Z-Crystals, Including Snorlium Z, Eevium Z, and Aloraichium Z ) - Here's how to find all the Z-Crystals in Pokémon Sun and Moon.Z-Moves and Z-Crystals are new features to Pokémon Sun and Moon that adda bit of spice to battling.Z-Moves are essentially super moves; you can use them once per battle to really mess up your opponent.

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