Pokemon Go: Rare Pokemon Cheat Fixed quoting : "Comic Book"

as declared in Niantic has released a new cheat prevention system that will stop cheaters from seeing rare Pokemon. More specifically, it will target previously flagged accounts and known bot accounts that make use of various tracking applications that help catch the rarer Pokemons. According to a recent post on a development channel on Discord, Niantic released this update to the game which will block out any rare Pokemon spawns for cheaters. An example comes in the form of the Individual Value calculators that are much needed by players to help get the Pokemon to a desired Combat Power. This is not the only issue that Niantic is faced with, as there are several third-party Pokemon Go applications that help enhance the experience for the players without cheating.

as declared in
Pokemon Go Allegedly Targets Cheaters By Taking Away Rare Spawns
Pokemon Go Hub is reporting that Niantic Labs has allegedly flagged certain accounts deemed "malicious" to prevent them from seeing rare Pokemon spawns. The logic seems to be that by preventing trackers from seeing rare Pokemon, spoofers won't be able to hop from place to place sniping rare Pokemon. By flagging their account and preventing them from seeing rare Pokemon, it basically hinders the tracking system from working properly. The new system appears to be Pokemon Go's latest effort against third party tracking systems. Most third party trackers use bot accounts to obtain location data about certain Pokemon, which it then passes on to the people using the tracking system.

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collected by :Andro Alex
