collected by :Andro Alex
as mentioned in A Danish artist has taken Pokemon Go's trend of finding Pokemon in real life a couple of steps further by selling the chance to track homeless people, effectively turning the homeless individuals into Pokemon Go subjects for profit. The tracking devices have been given a name as well, dubbed "Hornsleth Homeless Trackers" by the artist. Hornsleth has, of course, been criticized for this move, but the artist claims that his actions and his artist project are about making a statement against homelessness. For the price of 24.989 Euros, roughly $28, users can "purchase" a homeless person and follow their every move through the app. He says that the project is also a look at society as a whole and its failure to act on the problem.
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Previous Slide 4/7 Next Gengar Gengar is a terrifying ghost Pokemon, but his McFlurry treat is much more scary that he is. Over on Twitter, McDonald's Japan is hosting a massive campaign in the name of all things Pokemon. Pokemon: I Choose You is slated to premiere this month, and McDonalds is commemorating the release with an interesting dessert challenge that has some Pokemon Trainers feeling nauseous. The leafy Pokemon may be a fan-favorite starter, but McDonalds will have a hard time getting anyone behind the champ's broccoli-flavored McFlurry. If you want to help McDonald's Japan avoid the worst flavors, you have until midnight tonight to get voting.

New Reward, Cars of Interest in Case of Man Killed Playing Pokemon Go in San FranciscoCongresswoman Jackie Speier on Monday officially announced a $50,000 reward from the city of San Francisco designed to unearth any informatin regarding the suspect who shot and killed a college student playing Pokeman Go last year in Aquatic Park. Congresswoman Jackie Speier on Monday officially announced a $50,000 reward from the city of San Francisco designed to unearth any information regarding the suspect who shot and killed a college student playing Pokemon Go last year in Aquatic Park. Riley was attending Delta College in Stockton and had graduated from Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo. A total of $50,000 has been contributed by the family, another $50,000 has been presented by San Francisco and $10,000 has been provided by United States Park Police. Calvin Riley, 20, was playing the popular game with a group of friends on Aug. 6, 2016 at about 9:50 p.m. when he was shot by an unidentified suspect.
to read more visit us pokemon
as mentioned in A Danish artist has taken Pokemon Go's trend of finding Pokemon in real life a couple of steps further by selling the chance to track homeless people, effectively turning the homeless individuals into Pokemon Go subjects for profit. The tracking devices have been given a name as well, dubbed "Hornsleth Homeless Trackers" by the artist. Hornsleth has, of course, been criticized for this move, but the artist claims that his actions and his artist project are about making a statement against homelessness. For the price of 24.989 Euros, roughly $28, users can "purchase" a homeless person and follow their every move through the app. He says that the project is also a look at society as a whole and its failure to act on the problem.
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The New Pokemon Movie Has Inspired Some Weird McDonalds Treats
Previous Slide 4/7 Next Gengar Gengar is a terrifying ghost Pokemon, but his McFlurry treat is much more scary that he is. Over on Twitter, McDonald's Japan is hosting a massive campaign in the name of all things Pokemon. Pokemon: I Choose You is slated to premiere this month, and McDonalds is commemorating the release with an interesting dessert challenge that has some Pokemon Trainers feeling nauseous. The leafy Pokemon may be a fan-favorite starter, but McDonalds will have a hard time getting anyone behind the champ's broccoli-flavored McFlurry. If you want to help McDonald's Japan avoid the worst flavors, you have until midnight tonight to get voting.
New Reward, Cars of Interest in Case of Man Killed Playing Pokemon Go in San FranciscoCongresswoman Jackie Speier on Monday officially announced a $50,000 reward from the city of San Francisco designed to unearth any informatin regarding the suspect who shot and killed a college student playing Pokeman Go last year in Aquatic Park. Congresswoman Jackie Speier on Monday officially announced a $50,000 reward from the city of San Francisco designed to unearth any information regarding the suspect who shot and killed a college student playing Pokemon Go last year in Aquatic Park. Riley was attending Delta College in Stockton and had graduated from Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo. A total of $50,000 has been contributed by the family, another $50,000 has been presented by San Francisco and $10,000 has been provided by United States Park Police. Calvin Riley, 20, was playing the popular game with a group of friends on Aug. 6, 2016 at about 9:50 p.m. when he was shot by an unidentified suspect.
to read more visit us pokemon
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