Pokemon Minecraft Mod Shut Down quoting : "escapistmagazine"

as informed in Pixelmon, the Pokemon mod for Minecraft, is ending development after a request from The Pokemon Company. Bye Bye Butterfree. In other Pokemon news, The Pokemon Company has been teasing a reveal for this Wednesday. Pixelmon was an impressive mod which let you capture and play with Pokemon inside Minecraft, and you could even battle other players. The extremely popular mod has been around for several years, but it is only recently that The Pokemon Company decided enough was enough.

as informed in
Pixelmon Minecraft Mod Shut Down at Pokemon Company Request
The Pixelmon mod for Minecraft has been shut down following a request from The Pokemon Company. After all, pretty much every Pokemon mod or fan project has gotten the boot at some point. Back in 2012, the Pixelmon mod for Minecraft was released. Although the mod remained popular, it was taken down after a request from The Pokemon Company. We have had a great time making this mod and creating such a wonderful community but after a request from the Pokemon company we will be shutting our doors.

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collected by :Andro Alex
