Pokemon Go Players Reach 1 bn Pokemon game in universal arrest Challenge

collected by :Syrena Smith

Late final night, Pokemon game Go reported that players had crossed the one bn check in the universal arrest Challenge. You've endeed caught over one bn pokémon game during the universal arrest Challenge! #PokemonGOtravel pic.twitter.com/pXC6TCgFKi — pokémon game GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 22, 2017Pokemon Go released its premier ever universal arrest defy on Sunday, offering bonuses and rewards if players collectively caught three bn Pokemon game in a week. Players are currently on pace to reach three bn Pokemon game with Saturday, that continue does not leave much of a buffer in status players stop catching Pokemon game during the Thanksgiving weekend. Even further Pokemon game going to begin appearing once players chock the 1.5 bn Pokemon game milestone.

Pokemon Go Players open Double Stardust in universal arrest Challenge

Earlier this morning, Pokemon game Go reported that players had captured over 1.5 bn Pokemon game during this week's universal arrest Challenge, meaning that players going to this time get double Stardust for catching and hatching Pokemon. You've collectively caught over 1.5 bn pokémon game and opened even further rewards during the #PokemonGOtravel universal arrest Challenge. pic.twitter.com/nHTM9opnlc — pokémon game GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 23, 2017Pokemon Go reported the universal arrest defy on Sunday, offering a ton of bonuses for players if they can arrest three bn Pokemon game in a week. As fraction of the universal arrest Challenge, Pokemon game Go too released a new YouTube vidimus series called "Pokemon Go Travel," that follows a group of YouTube personalities as they travel around Japan during the universal arrest Challenge. We'll Must see how today's holiday impacts the universal arrest Challenge.

Pokemon Go Players Unlock Double Stardust in Global Catch Challenge

Pokemon Go's New universal arrest defy Seems Farfetch'd

as declared in Pokemon Go's New universal arrest defy Seems Farfetch'dAs Americans are preparing for tomorrow's inevitable food comas, Niantic is saving a watchful eye on Pokemon game Go's overall creature capture rate. The growth team soon kicked off the new Pokemon game Go universal arrest Challenge, and if players could manage to capture sufficient creatures with this Sunday, the studio going to disperse the Flying-type Pokemon game Farfetch'd out into the wild. This will not exactly be a small task: the number of captured creatures required to open Farfetch'd is determine at three billion. Fortunately, perfect go ahead has endeed been made: as of yesterday, just over one bn creatures had endeed been captured. You've endeed caught over one bn pokémon game during the universal arrest Challenge!
