Pokemon Go Christmas Event approved Along With New Generation three Pokemon, New Item

as declared in Ice and water-type Pokemon game from Hoenn are on the way, plus toll free incubators, a new item, and the return of Santa Pikachu. Ice and water-type Pokemon game from Hoenn are on the way, plus toll free incubators, a new item, and the return of Santa Pikachu. Niantic has reported a new holiday-themed event for Pokemon game Go involving new Pokemon, a new item, and more. Accoring to Pokemon game Go's formal site, beginning this day at 1:00 PM Pacific Time, new water and ice-type Pokemon game from Hoenn (originally from Pokemon game Ruby and Sapphire) going to start appearing in Pokemon game Go. Exit Theatre ModeToday's new Hoenn Pokemon game join the fifty generation three Pokemon game added to Pokemon game Go earlier this month, as well as the 5 new Pokemon game during this year's Halloween event and the generation three Legendary Pokemon game Groudon, who was added to the game final week.

Pokemon Go Announces New AR+ Mode for Apple Devices Only

The new "AR+" mode Utilizes Apple's bolstered ARKit tech to review Pokemon game interacting with "the real world" in a further realistic fashion. The new AR+ mode going to too feature a new way to arrest Pokemon. When a player turns on the AR+ mode on, virtual bushes going to appear on flat surfaces in the game. Niantic too noted which the new AR+ mode Utilizes safely less battery than before as it best utilizes Apple's hardware and the new ARKit than the original AR mode. Unfortunately, Android users won't initially have access to the AR+ mode.

Pokemon Go Announces New AR+ Mode for Apple Devices Only

Pokemon Go Christmas Event 2017 and twenty New Water/Ice Type Gen three Pokemon game this time Live

referring to Pokemon Go Christmas event 2017 is this time live, and Pokemon game Go players going to have a chance to enjoy the new bonuses until January 4, 2018. The premier Pokemon game Go Christmas event bonus starts on December 22 at 1:00 PM PST and ends on December 25 at 1:00 PM PST. During this 4-days period, Pokemon game Go players going to receive a special bonus for the premier PokeStop visit. this special bonus includes single-use Egg Incubator with the premier picture Disc spin. Also, starting from today, new Water/Ice Gen Pokemon game obtainable to fight and arrest in the wild.

collected by :Syrena Smith

