Pokémon GO Valentine's Day Event Gives You Triple Stardust for Catching Luvdisc

as informed in If you do not have a significant other to make smoochy-faces at, cheer up: There's a Beautiful cool pokémon game GO event happening today. From this time until February 15, you'll find schools of Luvdisc pokémon game swimming around. Catching 1 yields triple the Stardust you usually gain for a catch. In mainline pokémon game games, Luvdisc is mocked for being useless in battle. I'm just going to tell if I smell a huge fish-fry going on in his house, I intend to stay in my own lane.

Pokémon GO's Smaller-Than-Expected Valentine's Day Event Starts Now, Here's What's In It

Credit: NianticPokémon GO's Valentine's Day event is here, and it's not quite what I thought it was going to be, particularly as we're just coming off of the recent Gen three event and another wave of Hoenn zone creatures. So it's a brief sort of micro-event, however not without its charms. I could endeed see their tiny silhouettes from my office: I have not caught 1 yet, extremely that's 1 addition to the Pokédex. Still, the game has been remarkably active recently, that bodes well for both the aftertime of this title and for the upcoming Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. The following main question check comes after the Legendary Dragon Rayquazza flies off, leaving us with no clear avenue to new Legendary pokémon game and possibly with the chance to get some of the creatures we may have missed the premier time around.

Pokémon GO's Smaller-Than-Expected Valentine's Day Event Starts Now, Here's What's In It

Pokémon Go Valentine's Day event - finish date, Luvdisc, Chansey and how to get a yellow Luvdisc explained

referring to The pokémon game Go Valentine's Day event returns for another year, and once repetition we have pink-themed creature spawns for a limited time only. When does the pokémon game Go Valentine's Day event end? The Valentine's Day event began on 13th February and going to finish on 15th February. Pokémon Go Valentine's Day event explained This year's Valentine's Day event is a tiny paired back compared to final year, offering promoted spawns for only 2 types of creatures. What's special about Luvdisc during the pokémon game Go Valentine's Day event Luvdisc is a pink, heart-shaped pokémon game which was introduced to the game during the December Gen three update.

collected by :Syrena Smith

