as informed in Pokemon Go's society Day is this weekend, giving players a rare opportunity to stock up on Dragonite. Next Saturday's society Day is centered around Dratini, the lovable snake-like Dragon-Type Pokemon game which eventually evolves into the powerhouse Dragonite. Dragonite remembers 1 of the better all-around Pokemon game in Pokemon game Go because of its relative lack of weaknesses and bulky stats. To help players get prepared for the following society Day, here are times, relevant information, and some other handy hints for the upcoming mini-event:Event Details:Each society Day event lasts for a 3 hour window, with times varying with continent. The society Day festivities take place on February 24th.

collected by :Syrena Smith
Pokemon Go news: Niantic society Day UPDATE, Shiny uncover and Eevee release
February has endeed seen 2 events launched, and this time Niantic have uncovered plans for their third. The following Pokemon game society Day is landing extremely recently and going to involve 1 extremely large bonus. The latest Pokemon game Go break news for the Ferbuary event has approved which Niantic outline to do things a tiny differently this time round. There going to too be 3-hour lures active during the event, as well as 3x the amount of normal Stardust from Pokemon game catches. If you're lucky sufficient to evolve your Dragonair into Dragonite during this month's Pokemon game GO society Day, your Dragonite going to realize a special move—Draco Meteor.
Second Pokemon game Go society Day more Detailed, Exclusive Move Revealed
as mentioned in Pokemon Go's 2nd society Day is quickly approaching, and like the inaugural event held final month, it'll give players a brief chance to capture a rare Pokemon game with an exclusive move. The rare Dragon Pokemon game going to spawn much further frequently for the duration of the society Day. This applies to all Dragonair you own, even ones which were obtained prior to the society Day. The society Day takes place worldwide on February 24 and runs for 3 hours, although the starting times going to differ depending on your region. Before the following society Day event begins, Niantic held a limited-time Lunar New Year event in Pokemon game Go.collected by :Syrena Smith
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