Ghostbusters World is basically Pokémon Go, but with proton packs

collected by :Syrena Smith

Ghostbusters World is basically Pokémon Go, but with proton packs The next wave of location-based AR games is here, with some improvementsTwo years after Pokémon Go gave us the purest summer of our lives, comes the inevitable wave of copycat location-based AR games, one of which is Ghostbusters World. The demo version of Ghostbusters World, which I played at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend, felt a bit like playing an alternate reality version of Pokémon Go. There are four different proton packs that range in blast power, much like the range in capturing power like Great Balls and Master Balls. Dimension portals are the equivalent of Pokéstops, where you can get ammunition for your proton packs. Much like Pokémon Go's pedometer feature that lets you hatch a Pokemon egg, Ghostbusters World also lets you hatch Ectoplasms.

Playing Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! alleviated all my concerns

When the Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Image via The Pokémon CompanThe Let's Go series is a reimagining of the core RPG Pokémon games, where trainers pick a starting Pokémon and search for other strange creatures to capture and train. All of the basic core RPG stats that fans know, like attack and special attack, are all there. The combat system also plays out like normal Pokémon battles from the core RPG series. The only major change from the core RPG series comes from wild Pokémon encounters.

Playing Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! alleviated all my concerns

Spinda comes to Pokémon Go, and players think it means gen 4 is next

as informed in Spinda comes to Pokémon Go, and players think it means gen 4 is next Of the eight variations, only one has been spottedSpinda is now making its first appearance in Pokémon Go. While some think that this is a coding error on Niantic's part, others think that releasing only one Spinda variant is part of a more elaborate plan. The lookout for Spinda Number Seven is underway. Spinda Number Eight was released at 1 p.m. PT on Wednesday, so Spinda Number Seven will probably not drop before that time next. There's been no official announcement about Spinda or its variants, but players are excited to find all the Spinda variants and see what they could possibly mean.
