As it stated in NIANTIC has rolled out a few more Shiny Pokemon this month, but there's also a chance to catch the still very rare shiny Dratini. Dratini Shiny Pokemon GO: August Field Research and how to catch Shiny Dratini, DragonitePokemon GO's August update brought in the legendary Pokemon Raikou, as well as a whole set of new research tasks that players can complete to unlock new Pokemon encounters. But equally one of the other new August Research tasks which is arguably worth getting excited over involves Dratini. AdvertisementDragon Type Pokemon At the time of writing, there are currently 14 Dragon-type Pokemon in the game. Dragon type attacks are only super effective against other DRAGON types.

collected by :Syrena Smith
Mareep Shiny Pokemon GO: August Field Research tasks, how to catch Mareep and Ampharos
Pokemon GO's August update brought in the legendary Pokemon Raikou, as well as a whole set of new research tasks that players can complete to unlock new Pokemon encounters. One of these new quests can introduce players to the Pokemon Spinda - you need to complete three curveball throws to trigger the appearance of the dizzy panda. You can read more about that here. Elsewhere, new tasks can trigger the appearance of a shiny Mareep - that you can evolve into the heavy-hitter Electric-type Ampharos with enough candy. To trigger an encounter with a Mareep (which has a bigger than usual chance of being Shiny), you need to spin PokeStops until you receive the Catch 5 Electric-type Pokemon task.
Houndour Shiny Pokemon GO: August Field Research tasks, how to catch Houndour and Houndoom
referring to Pokemon GO's August update brought in the legendary Pokemon Raikou, as well as a whole set of new research tasks that players can complete to unlock new Pokemon encounters. Elsewhere, new tasks can trigger the appearance of a shiny Houndour or shiny Snubbull. Then, when you evolve one, you'll meet a Houndour in the wild with the chance of the Pokemon being shiny. If you want to get a shiny Houndour before the end of August, delete research quests from that don't require you to evolve a Meowth, and keep spinning Pokestops until you land the quest. It's worth noting that Houndour can also be found as a Shiny in the Wild, too, as per r/TheSilphRoad.collected by :Syrena Smith
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