'Pokémon GO' Raid Reward Day: How To Get Yourself A Shiny Moltres

collected by :Syrena Smith

We have reached the third and final raid reward day for Pokémon GO's summer of live events. The main attraction, of course, is the change to secure yourself a shiny Moltres. Unlike shiny Articuno and shiny Zapdos, shiny Moltres actually does look quite a bit different than his normal form in Pokémon GO. That's compared to Community Day Pokémon which aren't flat-out removed from the game in the wake of their special day. Pack an extra battery, put your walking shoes on (or have someone drive you around) and try to land that great shiny Moltres.

'Pokémon GO' Seems To Have Fixed Its Broken Celebi Quest

Many Pokémon GO players have been frustrated in the quest to get Celebi through a new Professor Willow special research task, given that there have been hitches to freeze progression along the way. But the Celebi quest itself has been bugged for many, and after a day or so, many players have been unable to make further progress. And if you can't beat that one part of the step, you can't beat the entire step and move on. Hopefully this fix works for everyone, though I imagine it will frustrate people who were deep into their week-long streak only to see it reset. This seems like a weird bug for the quest to have, given how streaks have been perfectly functional for ages in Pokémon GO, but whatever.

'Pokémon GO' Seems To Have Fixed Its Broken Celebi Quest

'Pokémon GO' Players Finish The Global Research Challenge For The Big 'Ultra Bonus Unlock'

according to So while we don't yet know what we're getting, we now know that we're definitely getting it. The whole thing is a comedy of frustration, and a Mewtwo day would at least give us an opportunity to get around it. A Mewtwo day would also serve as a kind of low-key introduction for Deoxys, which is likely to take Mewtwo's place as the EX Raid Pokémon. I wouldn't expect to see that for a week or so after a potential Mewtwo day, however, when the next round of invites went out. Mewtwo day would be an event, that you can bet on: trainers would turn out in droves for the chance to finally finish their Gen 1 Pokédexes.

Is 'Pokémon GO' Introducing Fortnite-Style Mysteries With ???/Nutto?

Yesterday was a strange Community Day, one that arrived not only with its promised Pokémon, Chikorita, but also with something…else. While a mystery Pokémon was datamined the day before Community Day, no one was expecting…whatever it was, to actually show up in the game itself. The original theory was that maybe this bizarre Pokémon was just an elaborate bit of placeholder imagery for something else. Maybe Pokémon GO wants in on that action, so they're throwing in something truly bizarre like Nutto to get players talking. Pokémon GO usually tries to aim most of its quests and mysteries at kids and casual players, ie.

Is 'Pokémon GO' Introducing Fortnite-Style Mysteries With ???/Nutto?
