referring to Here are the 10 Pokémon Way Weaker Than Fans Thought (And 10 Even Stronger)advertising20 Weaker: RhydonRhydon is notable for being the first Pokémon ever created and added into Pokémon Red & Green, which may also be why it appears on the statues in all of the Pokémon Gyms. In Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire, Dugtrio gained the Arena Trap Ability, which prevented most Pokémon from being able to switch out. The fact that Regigigas is a Normal-type Pokémon means that it only has immunity to Ghost-type moves and a weakness to Fighting-type moves. 8 Weaker: KricketuneThe single player story of each Pokémon game is generally easy enough for the player to be able to use any team they want. ---Are there any other Pokémon that are stronger or weaker than we thought?

collected by :Syrena Smith
10 Pokémon That Look Way Worse When They Evolve (And 10 That Become Awesome)
Here are 10 Pokémon That Look Way Worse When They Evolve (And 10 That Become Awesome). advertising20 Look Worse: NosepassTo be fair, there are definitely Pokémon that are intended to be funny or ridiculous on purpose. 18 Looks Worse: RattataRats don't typically get much respect, in real life nor in fiction. Infernape is that something special, as much an anime superhero as an impressive Pokémon creature. 6 Looks Worse: WhismurLoudred tends to be a recurring visitor to lists of the ugliest Pokémon.
20 Strong Gen 2 Pokémon That Break The Game (And 10 Who Are Ridiculously Weak)
referring to advertising30 Weak: Aipomvia: mirror00.deviantart.comAipom is a weak Pokémon, simple as that. 25 Strong: Heracrossvia: marcelogonzalez.deviantart.comadvertisingA great design to go along with a great Pokémon. 20 Strong: Porygon2via: p-chan93.deviantart.comPorygon2 is a great Pokémon and an improved version of Porygon. There are so many great Pokémon to choose from, who has the time to stick with something mediocre? Unlike the other weak Pokémon, Octillery actually has something unique about it.collected by :Syrena Smith
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