collected by :Syrena Smith
When I'm in another city and I want to see what neighborhoods to wander, I crack open Foursquare. My friend Henry uses Pokémon Go. The process works both ways; the stops indicate good places to go, and the type of place influences the type of Pokémon he can collect. (Parks, for example, offer more Grass-type Pokémon; on a larger scale, the local climate also affects the available Pokémon types.) I legit used Pokémon Go to navigate trails (though obviously a real trail app would do a better job).

When I'm in another city and I want to see what neighborhoods to wander, I crack open Foursquare. My friend Henry uses Pokémon Go. The process works both ways; the stops indicate good places to go, and the type of place influences the type of Pokémon he can collect. (Parks, for example, offer more Grass-type Pokémon; on a larger scale, the local climate also affects the available Pokémon types.) I legit used Pokémon Go to navigate trails (though obviously a real trail app would do a better job).
Pokémon GO's Halloween Is Live With New Gen 4 Pokémon, Candy Bonuses And A New Legendary
Pokémon GO is a game about walking around collecting candy, and so it's not exactly shocking that it pulls out all the stops for Halloween this year and every year. Last year's event saw the debut of Gen 3, and the year before that was the first event Pokémon GO ever held. Read on for all the bonuses and new stuff we'll be getting with Pokémon GO's third Halloween event. To start with, we've got double candy for all Pokémon catches, but no word on egg hatches or buddy distance. The only two special research tasks we've had so far were tied to mythical Pokémon, and so my best bet is Dakrai, a Gen 4 Dark-type mythical Pokémon that would fit the Halloween theme.
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