As it stated in Following the latest leak, Niantic has confirmed Pokemon Go's annual Halloween event is coming back for another year. As in previous years, Niantic is debuting a couple of new Ghost- and Dark-type Pokemon during the Halloween event. Whereas previous Special Research quests led to encounters with the Mythical Pokemon Mew and Celebi, this new one revolves around Spiritomb--another Ghost Pokemon introduced in Gen 4. Finally, just as in past years, players will earn double the normal amount of Candy for capturing Pokemon during the Halloween event. Pokemon Go's Halloween event is slated to run until November 1.
collected by :Syrena Smith
Pokemon Go news: Gen 4 release date and Sinnoh starters, Halloween reveal, Shiny update
New Gen 4 Pokemon coming soonUPDATE ONE: As expected, Niantic has announced the arrival of the new Gen 4 Pokemon from Sinnoh. Halloween is still looking like a pretty good date, although this new Pokemon Go update may arrive even before that. Trainers are also on the lookout for the next major event, with Halloween 2018 looking like the best candidate. This all remains speculation for the time being, although there have been hints that Pokemon Gen 4 is being worked on by Niantic. Pokemon Go Gen 4 Sinnoh starter Pokemon TEASER Wed, July 11, 2018 POKEMON Go developer Niantic appears to be teasing the introduction of Gen 4 Pocket Monsters.Pokemon Go Halloween 2018 release date DELAYED with NEW Gen 4 Ghost Pokemon
according to Pokemon Go Halloween event could introduce these Gen 4 Ghost PokemonPokemon Go fans are counting down to the start of the 2018 Halloween event. And if last year's event is anything to go by, the Halloween event could begin as early as today (October 19). The 2017 Halloween event kicked off on Friday, October 20, and ran until November 2. The next Halloween event is almost certain to start within the next week, and could feature a range of Gen 4 Pokemon. You can take a look at the Gen 4 Sinnoh Ghost Pokemon in the gallery below...'Pokemon Go' Halloween 2018 event: New Gen 4 Pokemon and a research quest
The first big Pokemon Go holiday event of the Generation 4 era has arrived, as Niantic announced on Tuesday that the 2018 Halloween event will begin on October 23rd at 1:00 PM PT / 4:00 PM ET. The Halloween event will also bring a new Legendary Raid to the game — this one featuring the Renegade Pokemon, Giratina. But that's not all, as Professor Willow apparently has a new Special Research quest prepared for Halloween as well. According to Niantic's blog post, Willow found an odd stone recently and strange things have been happening in his lab ever since. There are sure to be plenty of secret to uncover when the event begins, so be sure to complete the Special Research quest and stock up on all the new Gen 4 Ghost-type and Dark-type Pokemon this week and next.collected by :Syrena Smith
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