referring to Sure it's cool to have a four-armed rock Pokemon but wouldn't it be cooler to have Golem in Pokemon Let's Go? Golem is one of the strongest rock type Pokemon in Pokemon Let's Go so it makes sense that you'll want one on your team. This is because Graveler can only evolve into Golem via a trade meaning you'll need to find somebody willing to swap Pokemon with you. If you're lucky and nice enough you might be able to find somebody willing to help you online through Reddit or GameFAQs. Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee are out now on Nintendo Switch.

collected by :Syrena Smith
How to Get Gengar in Pokemon Let's Go
Gengar is the king of the ghosts in Pokemon Let's Go. If you're looking to create a ghost team you're definitely going to want Gengar on your team. Gengar is only obtainable in Pokemon Let's Go through a trade with another player. This means you have to find another player willing to trade with you and then willing to trade back your Pokemon. Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee are out now on Nintendo Switch.
How to Get Alakazam in Pokemon Let's Go
As it stated in If you're looking to find out how to obtain one of the most powerful psychic type Pokemon in all of Pokemon Let's Go then you're in the right spot. While Kadabra is a strong Pokemon on its own it truly shines when it evolves into Alakazam as it gains a lot more power and essentially becomes one of, if not the strongest Pokemon in all of generation one. Once you do this the person on the receiving end will see your Kadabra evolve into Alakazam which will then require them to trade him back and give you an Alakazam. While this method is easy it does require you to know somebody else who owns Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu or Eevee and you need them to also own a Nintendo Switch Online account. Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee are out now on Nintendo Switch.Pokemon Let's Go: How to Get an Easy Arcanine
report this adThe ability to cruise around the Kanto region on the back of your favorite Pokemon is one of the most welcomed new features in Pokemon Let's Go, and there are 18 to choose from. Once you catch them and return, she'll reward you with an Arcanine. The first thing you'll want to do is take note of which version of Pokemon Let's Go you have. Those with the Pikachu edition will have to get an Arcanine the old fashioned way, with a fire stone and a Growlithe. Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee is out now, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.
How to Get Machamp in Pokemon Let's Go
collected by :Syrena Smith
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