as declared in Once again, players will be able to find the festive Santa hat-wearing Pikachu in the wild during the holiday event. The image also features three Legendary Pokemon from the Sinnoh region--Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit--suggesting the trio will make their debut in Pokemon Go soon. There are a few other new Shiny Pokemon as part of the event as well; for the first time, players can find a Shiny festive Pichu, Pikachu, or Raichu, as well as Shiny Azurill, Marill, and Azumarill. Along with the new Pokemon, Niantic will offer a number of bonuses throughout the event. Before the holiday festivities began in Pokemon Go, Niantic hosted a special Raid weekend event from December 14-17.

collected by :Syrena Smith
Nintendo Launches Forward with New Pokemon Releases
Pokémon: Let's Go!blends the old school plot of Pokémon: Yellowwith changes to the world and mechanics. Now, the biggest changes come in how you actually interact with and catch wild Pokémon. Up until now, wild Pokémon encounters were completely randomized and resulted in a battle, during which you could weaken the wild Pokémon before catching it in a Pokeball. In Let's Go, all wild Pokémon are instead visible in the overworld and can be avoided or confronted at your discretion. The latest installment in the Pokémon series leaves this reviewer satisfied and eager to see what surprises the next adventure will hold!New phone app to give unique, Pokemon Go-style tour of Melbourne
according to It was the mobile gaming app that saw millions of crazed devotees around the world rushing to street corners, landmarks and obscure locations. Now, a free phone app similiar to Pokemon GO will be developed to take tourists and residents alike to different places around Melbourne and lead them on a historical tour. The 64 Ways of Being app is being developed for Melbourne. The state government is contributing $950,000 towards the development of the 64 Ways of Being app, set to be launched in 2020. Similar to Pokemon GO, users of the app will see an augmented version of the reality around them.collected by :Syrena Smith
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