according to Once again, players will be able to find the festive Santa hat-wearing Pikachu in the wild during the holiday event. The image also features three Legendary Pokemon from the Sinnoh region--Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit--suggesting the trio will make their debut in Pokemon Go soon. There are a few other new Shiny Pokemon as part of the event as well; for the first time, players can find a Shiny festive Pichu, Pikachu, or Raichu, as well as Shiny Azurill, Marill, and Azumarill. Along with the new Pokemon, Niantic will offer a number of bonuses throughout the event. Before the holiday festivities began in Pokemon Go, Niantic hosted a special Raid weekend event from December 14-17.
collected by :Syrena Smith
'Pokemon Go' Announces Holiday Event, Teases New Pokemon
Pokemon Go has announced its plans for the rest of 2018, and it looks like they'll include some new Pokemon. Earlier today, Pokemon Go announced its annual Holiday Event, which will begin on December 18th. The event will center around Ice-type Pokemon like Jynx, Sneasel, and Snorunt, along with the new "Gen 4" Pokemon Snover. Croagunk, the baby Pokemon Chingling, and the Legendary Pokemon Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit all appear in the promotional image for the new event. It seems that the trio of Legendary Pokemon (commonly known as the Lake Guardians) will replace Cresselia when that Legendary Pokemon ends its cycle as a Raid Boss next week.'Pokemon Go' Confirms More New "Gen 4" Pokemon for Holiday Event
as declared in Pokemon Go has officially confirmed that several more new Pokemon will be part of next week's holiday event. Yesterday, Pokemon Go announced that a new Holiday Event would start next week. As part of the Holiday Event, Pokemon Go will add several Pokemon to the 7 KM egg pool, including the Baby Pokemon Smoochum, Azurill, and Munchlax. Other new Pokemon confirmed for the Holiday Event include Snover and its evolved form Abamasnow, the Poison-Type Pokemon Croagunk, and the Legendary Pokemon Azelf, Mesprit, and Uzie. The new Holiday Event starts December 18th at 1 PM PT and runs through January 2nd.collected by :Syrena Smith
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