referring to Those evolutions require Sinnoh Stones, which became the most valuable item in the game immediately upon release. The bad news: Sinnoh Stones are a total pain to get. What's most frustrating is that it's pretty obvious where we should be getting our Sinnoh Stones. If Sinnoh Stones were on the table, or even just a nice clutch of rare candy, I'd make sure to get there every week. Sinnoh Stones are likely going to be tied to the new PvP trainer battles, which would explain some of Niantic's more nebulous communication around that idea.
'Pokémon GO' live action trailer hypes up PvP battles
This Gen Four Pokémon GO live action trailer is bound to give you chills, as it perfectly illustrates what we all imagine when playing the new PvP battles. While there have been some notably awesome Pokémon GO live action trailers before, this one has my pulse racing as I dream of the possible battle matchups in the mobile game. The trailer closes on the metal/fighting-type Lucario fighting the fire-starter Infernape (which is a really, really bad type matchup for Lucario), all in-game. It feels just as epic as the live action makes it look. With the introduction of Generation Four Pokémon, a lot of the Pokémon GO meta has been shaken up.With PvP, 'Pokémon GO' Finally Fulfills The Promises Of Its Reveal Trailer
referring to You'd be able to track down nearby Pokémon, trade with friends, engage in friendly competition and even team up to fight powerful Pokemon with other players. It captured the pitch in a rapturous trailer that quickly burned its way through the Internet. AR was mostly just the image of a Pokémon over whatever your camera was looking at at the time. Late last night we finally got PvP battles in the game, and that marks a crucial milestone in the history of Pokémon GO. This is the first time we've actually had everything promised in the reveal trailer, and it's a nice feeling.collected by :Syrena Smith
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