Here's Who You Should Be Hunting In Pokémon GO's Huge Community Day Event

as mentioned in Pokémon GO's enormous Community Day December extravaganza begins later today at 4 PM ET, and will run until December 3, a far cry from the usual 3-hour windows we normally get during these monthly events. December's Pokémon GO Community Day is a celebration of everything that's come before, and it will feature loads of spawns of every Community Day Pokémon that's been featured so far, complete with shiny versions and their unique moves. Charmander/Charizard: Blast Burn Charizard is actually a really serious fire attacker, and Community Day elevated him from okay to great as a result. Charmander/Charizard: He's on the most powerful list, but black and red Charizard is probably the best shiny version in the entire game, and a must-own for any collector. The best shinies are the one with wildly different coloring schemes, and that's definitely the case for Dragonite here.

Pokémon Go Community Day event - times, featured Pokémon Swinub, exclusive moves and bonuses explained

The Pokémon Go Community Day is a regular event in Niantic's augmented reality game - a monthly event encouraging players to play together worldwide. First of all, make sure you go into Community Day with a Sinnoh Stone at hand. That said, the Community Day exclusive move Hydro Cannon changes things, with AnujKulkarni on reddit explaining how when coupled with Waterfall, it's the second best Water type in terms of damage. Previous Community Days in 2018The first Pokémon Go Community Day (January 2018):This far from Surfing Pikachu's first time in the spotlight. You can earn a chance of catching one by completing Field Research throughout the hours of Community Day.

Pokémon Go Community Day event - times, featured Pokémon Swinub, exclusive moves and bonuses explained

Pokémon GO Community Day: How To Get Yourself A Shiny, Powerful Mamoswine

as mentioned in Pokémon GO Community Day is back, and with it marks the arrival of a Pokémon I've probably caught more of than any other, Swinub. Back when Gen 2 first launched, there was almost some sort of bug where in Chicago, pretty much every day was Swinub Community Day, as the Pokémon swarmed the streets day after day and sometimes took up my entire nearby radar. Those days have come and gone, but the return of Swinub today here marks an interesting twist in Community Day. A Shiny Swinub has a bit more of a greenish hue than a regular one, and shiny Mamoswine doesn't really look all that much different than a regular one, except also being a bit more green. I have to believe that you'll end up with at least one shiny Swinub by the end of this to land you a shiny Mamoswine, if not a bunch.

'Pokémon GO': All The Pokémon Spawning For December's Community Day Extravaganza

The year is nearly over, and Pokémon GO is preparing for a weekend-long Community Day extravaganza featuring every Community Day Pokémon yet featured in this game, not to mention some slick bonuses sure to spur some good crowds despite the somewhat variable temperatures nationwide. For starters, this is an extra-long Community Day, more like a Community Long Weekend. So don't worry about clearing that 3-hour block like you usually do for a Community Day. If you evolve them to their final level during the event you'll get each creature's unique move from its Community Day. Those bonuses will only be available at certain times, however, more akin to a normal Community Day.

'Pokémon GO': All The Pokémon Spawning For December's Community Day Extravaganza

collected by :Syrena Smith
